
  Paper One(試卷一)(100minutes)

  Part [ Oral Commu nication ( 15 minutes, 10points)

  Section A

  Directions: ln this section there are two incomplete dialogues and each dialogue has three blanks and threechoices A,B and C, taken from the dialogue. Fill in each of the blanks wst with one of the choices to complete thedialogue and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.

  Dialogue One

  A. Thanks or being supportive.B. Wasn't that today?

  C. I was really nervous about it.

  Nathan: Hey , Alicia?

  Alicia: Oh hey, " glad we had time to met up.

  Nathan: Me too. So, how did your interview go?_lB

  Alicia: Oh, yeah. l think it went well. I dont know if l got the job yet, but the they would call in a few days.Nathan: Well, I'm sure you did great.Good luck.

  Alicia: 'Thanks. I'm just happy that it's over. 2c

  Nathan: I can understand that. I get nervous before interviews, too.Alicia: _ 3A

  Nathan: Sure, no problem.

  Dialogue Two

  A. I need both of those for sure.

  B. That's a little expensive for a beat-up book like that.

  C. You can really save some money that way.

  Carl: Hey,Sis.Are you interested in buying some used books for school? 4cAshley: Well, what do you have?

  Carl: l have a science book,Today's World, and I'm selling it for thirty dollars.Ashley:Thirty?l5B wWhat else are you selling?

  Carl:Well, I have an English writing textbook for fourteen dollars, a math book for twenty-three, and a novel foronly seven bucks.

  Ashley: 'll take the English book and the novel. _6 A I think T'll hold off on buying other books for now.

  Dialogue Three

  A. Could have our phone umber please?

  B. And may l ask who referred you to our office?

  C.Do you happen to have an opening in the moming?D.ls this your first visit?

  Ronald: Yes, Id like to make an appointment to sce Dr.Carter, please.

  Receptionist Okay.7D_

  Ronald: Yes, it is.

  Receptionist Okay. Could I have your name please?

  Ronald:Yes. My name is Ronald Schuller.


  Ronald: Uh, I drove past your ofice yesterday.

  Receptionist: Okay. How about the day after tomorrow on Wednesday at 4:00 pm.?

  Ronald: Uh._ 9C I usually pick up my kids from school round that time.

  Receptionist: Okay. Um. .how about Tuesday at 8:00am .or Thursday at. I 5am?

  Ronald: Well, in that case, Thursday would be fine.

  Receptionist Okay. 10A

  Ronald: It's 643-0547.

  Part II1 Reading Comprehension (25 points)

  Directions: In this section, there are four passages folloved by que stions or unfinished statements, each withfour choices A, B, C and D. Choose the best answver and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.

  Passage One

  Who says your job leaves you no time to hit the gym? A detailed new study of U.S physical activity patterns shows that men who work fulltime whether their jobs are active or se de ntary end up getting more exercise than healthy working-age men without a job.

  The new study comes from researchers at the National Institutes of Health(NIH). As part of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey in, some 1,800 working-age adults were asked a battery of questions about their lifestyle and work habis and, cruc ally, they then agreed to wear an accelerometer- -a device to measure their physical activity- over the course of several days.

  Those data fom the provide a rare opportunity to nail down how much activity the actually does.

  They show that men or women who work in active jobs do more physical activity on weekdays than men or women working in sedentary jobs. That's perhaps not surprising, but the NIH rese archers suggest that it still matters wst because of an ongoing shift in the cconomy toward sedentary work.

  The more surprising finding is the one that compares fll-time workers to people who don't work. The study shows that men with flltime jobs do more physical activity than healthy men without jobs.("Healthy man," in this case, were those men who said their primary reason for wst being out of work was something other than health or disability.) In fact,even sedentary full time workers performed more weekday physical activity overall than the healthy non-workers.The results loked very dferenet for women. Women in sedentary jobs didJcs pysical activity on weekdays than their he althy non-working peers.

  So what drives the gender(性別)iference? The study looks at the pattems, and unfortunately can't provide too much detail about their causes. There could be many possible answers, including, perhaps, diferent abilities to pay for leisure time activities, or different atiudes about work and physical activity. It could also be that moreBut the NIH researchers do find evidence, they write, to suggest that, whatever causes the difference, healthynon-working women“are replacing pursuits whereas" for some reason- "“[non-working]men generally are not."

  21.A sedentary job(Para.1 )is one that involves___

  A staying sceated alot

  B. intensive concentration

  C. moving about a lot

  D. superb skills

  22. What is the function of the accelerometers in the study?

  A. They record people's physical activities

  B. They measure people's workload.

  C. They distinguish gender differences.

  D. They push people to be more active.

  23. What is a possible reason for non-working women to be physically active?

  A. They are well-educated.

  B. Their kids keep them busy.

  C. They are open-minded.

  D. Their husbands influence them.

  24. The study tries to identify_

  A. the ongoing economy trend

  B. evidence for gender differences

  C. the American physical activity pattems

  D. the relation between work and leisure

  25. Who are the least physically active according to the study?

  A. Men with sedentary jobs.

  B. Men with active jobs.

  C. Healthy women with no jobs.

  D. Healthy men with no jobs.







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